2024 Endorsements

2024 Endorsements

Important Disclaimer

Hello friends in Devilry!

As you may know, it’s that time of year again where you make your voice heard by casting a ballot. While Stella is hard at work getting out the vote and facilitating voter turnout, they of course have an opinion on local candidates. 


The 2024 General Election is just a few short weeks away and your ballots drop THIS WEEK. Remember to vote early. This will help volunteers as your county parties are notified of ballots being thrown out. It’s also important to make sure that you are registered to vote. 

 In Washington state you now have until election day to register, but you have to do it in person at a polling location. You should also check your registration status now at votewa.gov to make sure your address is correct. Your window to change it has passed, but you can request a replacement ballot at your county Auditor’s office.

Over the next week we will be releasing our endorsements for “best in show” aka the local elections that directly affect our community. We don’t weigh in on Statewide or national elections, this will just be who we think poses the least danger to our community. 

Many of these choices will be obvious and some have already been echoed by Rural People’s Voice, the local democratic party, and other organizations that want to make progress.

 Not all of these candidates are perfectly progressive, or progressive at all. BUT they are the best option when compared to who they are running against. So if you choose to support these candidates, think of it more as a vote against the other candidate. 

 As always, your voice is your choice and we are just sharing our opinions on who we are voting for with a community mindset.

In addition to full transparency, we also want to remind everyone that Stella has been working with the 2024 Coordinated Campaigns to help elect Democrats across Eastern Washington. However, this page does not accept money from any party at any time. All of the opinions expressed here are those of that work on the page including Stella themselves. No one who works on this page accepts money from campaigns or is paid for an endorsement.

WA State Representative Position #1

Mayhew v Goehner


Jim Mayhew(D) is currently on the Snoqualmie City Council. His background is in accounting. He was a CFO for a fortune 1000 company. His priorities stem from his own experience with housing insecurity and his own experience in the foster care system. 


You can find more about Jim and his priorities here: https://jimmayhew.com/priorities/

You’ll also find that Mayhew is endorsed by local community leader Alma Chacon.

 Keith Goehner(R), while not the incumbent for this position, has been an elected official in our are for a long time so you may recognize his name. I’ve had some democrats say that they like Keith because he listens to them. 

 The problem is, while he is polite, he is not listening. That is evident by his voting record, as recent as this year he voted no against State Legislative Staffers from forming a collective bargaining agreement. He voted no against his own staffers forming a union to protect themselves. 

Goehner voted no to require gun dealers to have cameras. 

No against the requirement of people to report a firearm theft to authorities within 24 hours.

No against amending state learning standards to include education on the LGBTQIA2s+ community.

No to establish a state wide hate crimes hotline within the attorney generals office.

No against prohibiting open carry at zoos, libraries, and transit centers.

No against the adult entertainment bill of rights.

No against unemployment for striking workers.

No against a 7% cap for rent increases per year.

No against the repeal of citizenship requirements for immigrants who are seeking professional licenses.

No against clean energy incentives.

No against local governments ability to change their own general elections to even number years to capture higher voter turn outs…

No to prohibiting the NONCONSENSUAL REMOVAL or TAMPERING of a condom or other sexually protective device.

No against establishing the state prosecution office with the authority to charge police for DEADLY USE OF FORCE.

No against appropriating 80 million dollars from the climate commitment act to purchase electric buses for schools…

 And all of this is just this year. 

You can find his entire voting record here: https://justfacts.votesmart.org/candidate/key-votes/94643/keith-goehner#collapse0

We have had the pleasure of speaking to Jim who is a fiscally minded candidate, but he also leads with empathy when it comes to social issues and protecting marginalized communities. 

So for all of the reasons above Progressive Devilry is endorsing Jim Mayhew. 

Keith Goehner does not listen to you, and he never will. He is not good for Chelan County, schools, women, and marginalized communities.

It’s time to revoke his access to speaking for us on issues he will never understand, like consent. 


If you have any questions, something to add, or anything you think would change our mind: send us an email to info@progressivedevilry.com

WA State Representative Position #2

Heather Koellen v Brian Burnett coming soon…

Chelan County Commissioner : District #3

Brad Hawkins v Flint Hartwig coming soon…

Chelan County District Judge

Jay Eyestone v Allen Blackmon coming soon…

Douglas County Commissioner

Paula Lamanna v Randy Agnew coming soon…