Leavenworth Cross Poses Code Violation, Fish & Wildlife Danger

Earlier this week a resident of Leavenworth started making some noise about a cross, similar to Wenatchee’s 108ft glaring monstrosity, being built on Tumwater Mountain over the town of Leavenworth.
Unsurprisingly, it is being orchestrated by and collaborated on by anti-trans, anti-Spanish, failed Wenatchee School board candidate Randy Smith. Smith also maintains the operations of, and built, the Wenatchee Cross.
The county agrees that the Leavenworth cross probably violates multiple county codes. Including height restrictions, and building regulations. In addition to that, they think the Wenatchee cross also is in violation. In fact, the maximum height for the cross in Wenatchee and Leavenworth can only be 35ft according to Deanna Walter, the Chelan County Community Development Director.
That is half the size of the proposed Leavenworth cross and a 1/3 of the current height of the Wenatchee cross.
Chelan County has forwarded the issue to the Chelan County Sheriff’s Office of code enforcement. Bets on whether they will enforce it?
If they don’t it’s a clear cut case of favoritism and an example of how law enforcement in Chelan County picks and chooses laws it will enforce. At the very least they should impose a daily fine for every day the crosses do not meet code enforcement. Which could pose a risk of lawsuit, which Chelan County and the Sheriff’s office have a tendency to wrack up in the last decade.
If they do choose to fine them daily, that money should go to fund needle exchange programs, unhoused healthcare & housing access, and mental health outreach programs. Specifically. Because those are all programs that should be, according to the Christian Bible, a priority in their mission to live and walk with Christ Jesus, their Savior.
Turns out though that it could be more than just a zoning and building code issue. There is a Fish & Wildlife report for the area regarding the Northern Goshawk, a species indigenous to the area. And building on this land could specifically pose a danger to this significant species. 
And before you ask, no the same report is not posed at the Leavenworth Adventure park: which has the same inherent reports as the Wenatchee Cross: so if you want the Leavenworth Adventure Park be an issue for Fish & Wildlife so is the Wenatchee Cross. The difference is, the Leavenworth Adventure park went through rigorous building permitting, inspections, and had community input.
In addition: the land use code for the proposed Leavenworth property is (88). Deemed Forestry. It has a special tax code attached for a special low tax rate, which could be in violation if developed. 
The land for the Adventure Park is coded (91) which is undeveloped and ready for development. It has now been developed within the confines of the law. So stop coming at people with what aboutisms. The adventure park adds to Tourism. The cross would not. The pretend straw man arguments are ridiculous.
So between code enforcement violations, fish & wildlife endangerment, and a public outcry. We hope the Chelan County Sheriff’s Office does their job.
Wondering about the specific codes violations?
Here is a list from local residents of Leavenworth around the building codes around why the proposed cross is illegal:
11.92.050 General Regulations All signs, including exempt signs, excepting the height of flagpoles conforming to Section 11.92.030(4), authorized herein shall comply with the following minimum standards:: (1) For purposes of this chapter, all signs, except exempt signs, erected within Chelan County shall obtain a building permit, as necessary, issued by the county, consistent with the provisions of this chapter or the applicable city sign regulations where proposed within an unincorporated urban growth area. Signs that do not conform to the provisions of this chapter, except nonconforming and exempt signs as defined, are unlawful and shall be removed;
(7) Except where allowed or restricted otherwise in this chapter, all signs and supporting structures shall be no higher than the allowed building height in the applicable zoning district (excepting flagpoles in conformance with Section 11.92.030(4));
11.32.020 Standards for FC Zone
All development in this zone shall meet the applicable provisions of the Chelan County Code, including without limitation the following:


(3) Maximum building height: thirty-five feet. Applicants for development within the FC zoning district are encouraged to review and consider the most recent wildfire protection plans, when available. Currently, Chelan County has adopted plans for the following areas: Entiat Valley Community; Lake Wenatchee/Plain Area Community; Leavenworth Area Community; Manson Community; Monitor, Cashmere, Dryden and Peshastin Area Community; Peshastin Creek Drainage Community; South Shore Lake Chelan Community; Squilchuck Valley Area Community; Stehekin Valley Community; and Union Valley Area Community.


11.42.040 Phobibited Signs (1) The following signs, as defined herein, are prohibited within all areas of Chelan County: (G) Signs erected, drawn or painted on trees, rocks or other natural features;


11.92.045 On-Premises requirement All signs shall be located on the premises of the business, activity, service, etc., being offered, with the following exceptions, provided they are consistent with the provisions of this chapter: (1) Community bulletin board; (2) Community service informational sign; (3) Kiosk sign; (4) Off-premises directional sign; (5) Political campaign or public issue ballot signs; (6) Informational, warning and/or regulatory signs of a public body, including traffic control signs, and any signs required by federal, state or local law; (7) Traffic directional/incidental signs. (Res. 2008-13 (part), 2/5/08).


11.92.060 Specific Sign Regulations
(C) Freestanding Signs.
(i) Unless otherwise permitted herein, each freestanding sign shall be no larger than thirty-two square feet;
This one may be a long shot, but might still apply:


RCW 47.42.030
Signs visible from interstate, primary, or scenic systems restricted.
Except as permitted under this chapter, no person shall erect or maintain a sign which is visible from the main traveled way of the interstate system, the primary system, or the scenic system. In case a highway or a section of highway is both a part of the primary system and the scenic system, only those signs permitted along the scenic system shall be erected or maintained.


RCW 47.42.140
Scenic areas designated.
(1) State route number 2 beginning at the crossing of Woods creek at the east city limits of Monroe, thence in an easterly direction by way of Stevens pass to a junction with state route number 97 in the vicinity of Peshastin.


“This is all in addition to the fact that NO permanent structures are allowed on this site under the current zoning.” According to Ryan the organizer of the petition.
The petition to stop the building of the cross is nearly more than 1000+ signatures strong. If you’d like to sign it there is a link in the sources. There is also a link to make a complaint to code enforcement if you so choose to report them.


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By Stella

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