Defense Attorneys in Chelan County Demand greater Access to Justice for their clients
Several Local Defense Attorneys have reached out to Chelan County District Court with an open letter pleading for more Zoom accessibility for their clients.
Clients who are scared to attend their court hearing for fear of ICE and the reports of inhumane treatment some legal residents and immigrants are receiving while in custody.
The letter reads:
“Chelan County District Court
350 Orondo Avenue, 4th Level
Wenatchee, WA. 98801
“Re: Request for Expanded Availability of Zoom Hearings
Dear Honorable Judges,
We, the undersigned members of the Chelan County defense bar, write to respectfully request broader availability for defendants to appear via Zoom. Given the recent increase in immigration enforcement in our community, we are deeply concerned about the chilling effect this may have on individuals who need to access the court system.
Many of our clients are facing an impossible dilemma: comply with their legal obligations and risk detention, or avoid court altogether and face the consequences of failing to appear. This is not just an immigration issue-it is a fundamental access-to-justice issue. When individuals fear coming to court, it undermines the integrity of our legal system and makes it harder for all parties involved to ensure due process is served.
We recognize that under CrRLJ 3.4, a defendant’s presence is required at hearings set by the court, but the rule also grants discretion for remote appearances in many instances. In particular, CrRLJ 3.4(c) allows for remote appearances at the court’s discretion, and CrRLJ 3.4(e) states that the court must find good cause to require physical or remote presence for hearings beyond those explicitly listed. Given the current climate, we believe there is good cause to allow greater flexibility in permitting defendants to appear remotely.
As defense counsel, we have an ethical duty to protect our clients, including those who may be particularly vulnerable to immigration enforcement. However, we cannot and should not be placed in the position of having to disclose a client’s immigration concerns as a basis for requesting a remote appearance. To do so would violate their privacy, expose them to potential harm, and create an unjust disparity between defendants. Instead, we urge the court to adopt a broad policy allowing all defendants to appear via Zoom whenever possible. This approach ensures equal treatment for all individuals while preserving the discretion of the court to require in-person appearances when truly necessary.
Expanding Zoom hearings will not only enhance access to justice but will also benefit the court by reducing unnecessary failures to appear, improving efficiency, and allowing cases to proceed without disruption. We respectfully ask the court to consider this request and would welcome the opportunity to discuss it further.
Thank you for your time and thoughtful consideration.”
Signing the letter are:
Holly Pederson Duffy of Pederson Law
Jeremy Ford of Chelan County Counsel for Defense
Kayla Murphy of K Murphy Law
Sean Esworthy of Kottkamp Yedninak Esworthy
Nicole Hankins Shepard of Hankins Tibbits Law Firm
Ernest Radillo of Radillo Law Firm
I have been told by a little birdie who knows additional context on good authority, that Judge Jon Volyn has one of the most accessible courtrooms in Chelan County. In fact, 40% of his pleas and sentencing are done via zoom.
Personally we are happy to hear that since we endorsed him a couple of years ago when he ran.
This is not the case across the board though.
It’s also been pointed out to me that the Washington State Supreme Court has directed courts to be as accessible as possible through options like zoom in order to make sure justice, itself, is accessible.
So it does make me wonder… which judge in Chelan County has intentionally made their courtroom so inaccessible to that multiple attorneys felt the need to address it in an open letter.
Well you won’t have to wonder long, because a brief has been filed against the judge responsible for restricting access and we aren’t surprised. We’ve been provided with a redacted copy for release, but it will be subject to public disclosure soon. So be on the look out for the update.
You can find a copy of the letter HERE: Open Letter to Judges.
And the Redacted Case filed 02/12/2025 HERE: MOT_TO_RECONSIDER_COURT_S_DENIAL_-_2-12-2025_-_6755-2_Redacted

Chelan County GOP Committeeman thinks that immigrants should not have access to Justice - pledges his love to his god and his church
It has been increasingly apparent that conservatives, who often lament freedom of expression and first amendment rights for anyone advocating with marginalized groups, do not actually believe in what the United States of America was built on.
In social media posts disclosing the above story many conservatives who claim to be Christian lamented immigrant’s access to justice in Chelan County. Stating things like:

Chelan County GOP appoints January 6th insurrection attendee as chairman